For Merchants Everywhere

Grow your business with Arrively Merchant.

Become an Arrively Merchant.

Your business is more than a listing in an app, or map location. But how do your prospective customers know if they've found what they're looking for?

We think ratings are a terrible indication of whether customers will enjoy your product or service. That's why we get to know our users and pass on the ones that would make a good match.

Become a Merchant

There's a better way for your customers to find you.

Here's how Arrively Merchant works:

Our platform takes inventory of tens of thousands of goods, services, events, activities, offerings, promotions—yours included!

We create a deep understanding of our users (your customers) by deep analysis of their profiles, reviews they've left, and feedback from activities we've suggested for them.

The resulting profile gives us the unique ability to send users your way, ensuring your business is a near-perfect match. Our app even gets them to bring a group of their friends right to your door.

Get More Customers

Two powerful platforms working together.

We've created both the Merchant Platform and Exploration Platform to bring merchants and customers closer together.

When combined, these provide customers with great new ways to find products and services they'll love, and provide your business with a better way to speak directly to them.

(for merchants)   (for customers)
Join Free Beta

For Merchants

Arrively Merchant Platform

The Merchant Platform gives merchants the ability to create promos, events, and other experiences as well as provide key merchant data, reservation planning, and much more.

  • List Special Events
  • Create Deals & Promos
  • Track Customer Referrals
  • See Conversion & ROI

For Customers

Exploration Platform

The Exploration Platform gives our users the ability to interact with brilliant brand experiences through merchant data, make reservations, plan trips, and much more.

Join the Beta.

With the help of merchants, small business owners, tour guides, and entrepreneurs like you, Arrively is building the bestcollection of exciting experiences in the world.

Joining below is free and gets you a special lifetime discount of Jetway Labs services.

Register for the beta and to get a 3-month free trial plus a $50 credit on us.

Sign Up

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